You are an exceptional teacher……I’ve seen this in action with my very own eyes. It would be complacent of me not to add, that you have been amazing in supporting me within my role and have always offered me a shoulder to lean on when needed 💙

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Jack, hope all is going well. Have you guys started the fall term? Our kids are back in school now so all the teachers are busy! Look forward to seeing more of your writing soon.

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'The lesson learned the hard way teaches you the most'. I think this is very important. There is one thing I often repeat, and that is that even to understand what you don't want to do, having a direct impact with that specific thing is the best way to acquire awareness. Furthermore, regarding the fact that we 'underestimate' children (as you say in the bio of your newsletter), there is a fairly widespread term in Italy which is the 'Wisdom of Children', also deriving from Italian authors of the last century. I think this prosperity is very interesting.

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Jaaaaaaaccccckkkkkk!!! I have chills after reading this! Thank you so much for sharing your journey and inspiring me to talk about my journey on here too. I think it's the number one lesson anyone can learn aka patience and being present in the moment! Enjoying the process!

I love when you said "I won’t make as much but I don’t care about being rich, I want to be happy and this project is about creating new opportunities for myself to live a better life"

It's just so true! Like we have to think about business from the POV that we are able to help others through our own resources.

By the way, I would be honored to help you figure out the business side of things in your journey. I truly wanna help teachers understand business on their terms!

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What an interesting journey with so many changes in directions. I kinda envy you of having all these experiences and trying it all out, to come back full circle. 1000% agree and sure you would not be the teacher you are today because of all those super important experiences and learnings.

Loved this one Jack!

I bet your copywriting succes won't take 9 years 😄

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A winding path is better than a straight one. Different jobs and experiences teach important lessons and skills that you might miss otherwise. The education system is fortunate to have you, Jack :-).

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Jack, your latest newsletter on teaching from a 3G perspective—growth, giggles, and gratitude—is incredibly inspiring. Your journey and reflections give us valuable lessons on patience and perseverance. Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. They provide fantastic encouragement to us all.

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Well said 👏🏼Teachers are definitely better equipped for the role after some life experience!

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